Time To Stare Bursary

opening up space to think, to generate and explore new ideas

Launched in 2018 with support from Arts Council England, the annual Time To Stare residential arts bursary acknowledges the need for practitioners to become more resilient, more innovative and more sustainable and do so in ways that do not compromise an original passion or creative process.

2023 Bursary callout now open

The bursary is for the development of a specific project or work, giving emerging small and medium sized companies, individual practitioners or arts partnerships the time and the environment in which to take stock, develop ideas and strategy and equip themselves with the wherewithal to thrive in increasingly challenging circumstances. 2 x 2 hour project review sessions with Ian Ross and or Christine Harmar-Brown, B&R Productions’ directors to discuss your strategic and creative project development are tailored to the needs of the recipient/s. Appreciating the need to support and encourage young and emerging practitioners and companies a £500 award accompanies the residency.

Methinks that the moment my legs begin to move, my thoughts begin to flow.
— Henry David Thoreau

The residencies accommodate up to four people (2 x 2 sharing with the option of others joining on a daily basis) for five days at The Studio in rural Three Oaks, East Sussex providing time away from the daily demands of management and delivery; time to think, to generate and explore new ideas. With a multitude of footpaths and walking routes through historic 1066 country, including coastal, wood and farmlands, participants will be facilitated and encouraged to use the natural environment.

…an amazing week of development, encouragement, sharing of ideas…a huge step in the development of my creative practice.
— Diana Scarborough, Time To Stare bursary recipient 2018